Friday Fives, 12.20.2024

The magic of Christmas is amongst us at the Steele household. Every single day is a countdown for Penelope and I’m totally here for it. Gifts are wrapped, my starter is bubbling in prep for a baking day Saturday, and the house is smelling of frasier fir as often as possible.

1. Speaking of great smells, I have been looooving all thing Dirt Road Candle especially their wall diffusers. Second to that though I’m committed to this candle for life.

2. The sourdough bread has officially been made and it was honestly so delicious. Saturday I’m making banana bread and last weekend I made cookies. Very pleased with this latest endeavor.

3. I have truly never received more messages in my DMs / Facebook Messenger about anything else I own other than these shoes. I love them, highly recommend. It was the most clicked on item from my blog post about things I Bought, Used, and Loved in 2024.

4. We hit one of the most exciting revenue milestones at Hummingbirds and I am lit up about it. Just shows how amazing things can be when they are well orchestrated, intentional, and fun.

5. I mentioned this in my 2024 post above, but I’ve gotten into SKIMS items the last few years and added to the collection like these pants and this shirt. Comfort is key esp in these warm winter months where we all WFH. ALSO, I switched from Americanos to drip coffee and am very pleased with it.

Have a very wonderful, amazing holiday week ahead to those that are celebrating!!!!!

PS We’re heading to the Santa Express Sunday in Boone — I’ve shared with enough folks who have never heard of it so spreading Santa’s message. 🎅


Friday Fives, 1.3.2025


What I Bought, Used, and Loved in 2024