Friday Fives, 2.14.2025

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Drinking coffee this morning out of the cutest mug I’ve ever seen from Golden Hour Pottery.

1. Mixing up my workouts this week — trying to get to a hot yoga class a few times a month and just checked out motion lab with my friend Kayla. It was humbling.

2. The Nuuly’s are phenom and frankly, y’all, the number of people I’ve told about Nuuly who have never heard it is shocking! I was going back and forth with several friends online and IRL about it. The Enneagram 7 slash somewhat minimalist in me who is “over it” with a lot of pieces after a few months thrives with a rental clothing setup. The great thing is you can totally buy items if you love them! Look! I’m trying barrel jeans! And fun pants! Sharing is caring so here’s $30 if you want to try it out. ⭐️

3. Ok but speaking of minimalism something weird is happening. And apparently I’m here on this website about to process it with you. I am really, really digging bright colors and texture/detail lately and while that almost always has translated to my outfits, I’m feeling an itch to bring it into our home.

For the last 5+ years of living here (!!!), it’s been more about raising our family, prioritizing additional $ for travel or life things, or doing way more functional things. We have an entire house of bright white walls & two wallpapered walls and it’s time for a change. Here is the mood board I created inspiring me on Pinterest and I cannot even with this bathroom from The House that Lars Built. Alt Design Studio is coming over next week to help align on some ideas and I am a giddy girly.

4. I have a two year old and five year old on Monday. Be still my soul. Can we talk about these cupcakes Alisa from Sift n Sprinkle did for Penelope’s party last weekend? And Penelope’s birthday tutu documented on my fav camera that yes I carry around everywhere as well as my disposable cameras… and Lincoln! In snow pants! And these candles my mom MADE out of pool noodles!

5. Can I just share a design for a tote bag we’re doing for an event next month in Anaheim? I love the message because it’s cute, on-brand, and what so many of us need to hear! You should post that. People want to see your life, your interests. Or if they don’t they’ll scroll right on by and that’s cool too. I hope Hummingbirds and the weekly(ish lol) Friday Fives / social sharing inspires others to put themselves out there too. You never know what door it could open or how creative & expressive you could feel.

See ya next week, content coming in hot from Austin, TX!!!!!! 🤠 I’m absolutely bringing my cowgirl boots & hat.


Friday Fives, 2.21.2025


Friday Fives, 1.31.2025